Muslim Georgia Majlis and Constituent Assembly

Irakli Manvelidze, Giga Phartenadze


The goal of our research is to study the relationship between Georgian Constituent Assembly and Georgian muslim majlis and according to this the assessment of the characteristics and features of this relationship. We want to show what was the reasons and factors of this relationship. To achieve this goal and study the issue,we have used an inductive approach and empirical analysis has been based on the studies of archival state documents, the materials of the press of that time and memoirs.The results of our research showed that the Characteristics of the relationship between Georgian Constituent Assembly and Georgian Muslim Majlis was influenced by international and internal political processes and the determination of regional status in 1917-1921. The discussion on regional status was the essential issue which affected greatly on the relationship between two representative bodies. The research has revealed that in 1917-1920 when there was very difficult political situation and the relationships between Batumi and Tbilisi was in coincidence and since the second half of 1920 when Georgian legislation was retored in Batumi district, there were already different positions in the mentioned relationships which was connected to the determination of the regional status.

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