The Signatories of the Act of Independence

Malkhaz Matsaberidze


The article deals with the reasons and procedures of the signature of the act of independence of Georgia for two times (on May 26, 1919 and on March 12, 1919). The signatories were the members of the National Council and the Constituent Assembly respectively. On May 26, 1918, 88 signatures were put on the act of independence (one signature can not be detected) whereas on March 12, 1919, 99 signatures were collected. Some members of the National Council became members of the Constituent Assembly as well, thus there are 36 persons who signed the act of independence twice. Biographies of some signatories are publicly known, although some of them are less known and there is a shortage of information on them. The reason of this is the Soviet occupation, when some of the signatories emigrated abroad, while others became the victims of the repressions.
Keywords: Democratic Republic of Georgia. The Act of Independence of May 26, 1918. The National Council of Georgia. The Constituent Assembly of Georgia

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საქართველოს დამოუკიდებლობის აქტი, ხელმოწერილი 1919 წლის 12 მარტს -

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