Europe in National-Populist Messages of 2020 Parliamentary Elections of Georgia
These forces typically, equate the EU/Europe with liberal values; national-populists such as Georgian Idea and “Whites” blame the EU (or the West) for imposing LGBT rights on Georgia and claim that the government is Masonic or globalist, which follows the instructions of the West. In other cases, attitude towards the EU is ambiguous. Georgian Alliance of Patriots supports joining the EU, however also criticizes them for “Antidiscrimination Law” which they believe was forced on Georgia to adopt. Free Georgia shares anti-immigrant positions, which it justifies by claiming that such practice is common in EU or European nations. Georgian March who also has anti-immigrant positions and refers to Europe as the traditional and Christian world. Even though they claim that they respect diversity, they have nativist messages and want Georgian Georgia. The party presents Europe without its core values such as diversity and human rights.
Due to the high support of EU most of the nationalist-populist actors refer to European examples and practice, which adds certain legitimacy to their arguments.
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