For the political portrait of Ilya Nutsubidze

Otar Djanelidze


In the first quarter of the 20th century, the political spectrum in Georgia was filled with the Socialist-Revolutionary Party, which expressed the interests of the country's peasant population. The Georgian Socialist-Revolutionaries formed as a separate organization in 1918, when they separated from the Russian Socialist-Revolutionary Party. One of the prominent members of the party was Ilya Nutsubidze. He was a member of the Presidium of the Central Committee, and since 1920 he edited the weekly printed edition of the party - the newspaper Shroma.
Nutsubidze was imprisoned twice in 1907-1909 for his revolutionary activities. After graduating from the Tbilisi Theological Seminary, Ilya Nutsubidze entered the Economics Department of the Kyiv Commercial Institute in 1915. He was a scholarship holder of the Society for the Propagation of Literacy among Georgians but did not finish his studies and returned to his homeland after the February Revolution of 1917.
As a representative of the Social Revolutionary Party, he participated in the work of the National Congress of Georgia, where he was elected a member of the National Council. In February 1919, he became a deputy of the Constituent Assembly of Georgia on the list of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party. He was elected as the secretary of the reglementary commission and a member of the library, military, finance budget, and administrative commissions.
Ilya Nutsubidze made a speech several times at the plenary sessions of the meeting when discussing budgetary issues, but was more active when he introduced deputy questions on behalf of his parliamentary faction and demanded answers.
As an implacable oppositionist, from the socialist platform, Ilia Nutsubidze was a constant critic of the government and the ruling majority. He took an active part in the preparation of an alternative constitution for the Socialist-Revolutionary Party, which was presented to the constituent assembly in December 1920.
In 1921, when Soviet power was established in Georgia, the Social Revolutionaries split into left and right sections. The rightists, among whom was Ilya Nutsubidze, went underground and joined the resistance movement.
In March 1922, the leftists expelled Ilya Nutsubidze from the party. This circumstance and persecution by the Bolshevik regime forced Nutsubidze to go abroad.
While living abroad in France, Ilia Nutsubidze was actively involved in the political and public life of the Georgian emigrants while continuing his journalistic activities He died in Paris and was buried in Leuville in the Georgian cemetery there.

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