The Final Sessions of the Constituent Assembly im Batumi

Malkhaz Matsaberidze


The paper deals with the final sessions of the Democratic Republic of Georgia held in Batumi (15-17 March 1921). The shorthand records of the sessions enable to prove that the sessions were held with a necessary number of members and its decisions were legitimate. The decision of sending the members of the government into the emigration, taken by Noe Jordania, was the most important one on the way of struggle for restoration of state independence of Georgia. The article proves the false nature of the main argument held during the Soviet times on the suspension of the 1921 Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Georgia at the final sessions of the Constituent Assembly of the Democratic Republic of Georgia.
Key words: Democratic Republic of Georgia; Constituent Assembly; 1921 Constitution of Georgia;

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ჟორდანია ნ. 1921 წერილი, 22 ივლისი.

M Matsaberidze The 1921 in the History of the Georgian Constitutionalism The Georgian Parliamentarism 2021 N 1