The New Political Discourse of the Far-right "Nationale Rally" and its Influence on the Results of the European Parliament Election

Eka Darbaidze



In recent years, there has been a significant rise of far-right sentiments in Europe, where the rise of ultra-nationalist forces and their anti-Western sentiments have threatened liberal-democratic values. In the member states of the European Union, the economic crisis, international terrorism, growing migration and growing dissatisfaction with multiculturalism led to the activation of radical right-wing political forces and the growth of support for them.

 The parliamentary and presidential elections held in France in recent years, as well as the 2024 European Parliament elections, once again confirm that the gender gap between far-right forces and female voters is slowly closing. More and more women are voting for populist radical forces in elections.

The purpose of this article is to determine what factors contributed to the growth of political sympathies for the far-right political forces in the French electorate and to fill the thirty-year gap between them, whether the party's political discourse has actually changed in recent years and whether it is consistent with the party's policy.

Under a female leader, National Really was able to modernize conservative positions on gender, sexuality, and the family. Like many Far-right female leaders, Marine Le Pen presents herself as a modern and strong woman who does not bow to patriarchal norms. It was through this new discourse that she managed to use her gender strategically, gaining the support of women and young people, who were traditionally the least represented in the ranks of the political party's electorate.



Far-right party, Marine Le Pen, "National Unity" (RN), "National Front" (FN), populist radical right party PRP.

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