The Main Challenges of Elaboration of Lustration Law in Georgia
Lustration laws were adopted in many post-communist countries of Eastern Europe. Certain efforts of Georgia in this direction did not bring much success. The aim of the paper is to identify the factors that made it impossible to create a perfect legislation on lustration in Georgia. The "Liberty Charter" was adopted in 2011, which consisted of lustration, banning of Soviet symbols and anti-terrorist package; A special commission was created under the auspices of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to manage these issues. Later the constitutional court abolished some articles of this law so that former members of the Communist Party could hold public office again. The article also describes the features of lustration models adopted in Eastern Europe. The article reviews Georgian and English language literature on the given topic.
According to the findings, the "Liberty Charter" can be considered as a law directed against counter-terrorist activities and political opponents. Along with this, the lack of political will and insufficient activity of the civil society is an obstacle to the actual implementation of lustration in Georgia.
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