
This article attempts to identify the recruitment mechanisms of the Islamists in immediate neighborhood with European Union. The Republic of Moldova becomes a more and more attractive land for the immigrants from other countries, being situated in immediate neighborhood with the European Union. The first signs of specific religious expressions of radical essence in the Republic of Moldova appeared in 90’s through some national and international public associations and infiltration of radical clerics in several religious groups. The number and the dynamics of activities developed by the above mentioned organizations had varied from case to case, but the great majority of these were planned by non-governmental organizations from abroad. Such activities were generally led by people already implicated in radical groups or movements, or that were in contact with the members of such groups for different reasons, such as: financing, propagandistic material distribution, organization of religious facilities, trips abroad etc., cooperating with NGO-s from Balkans, Western Europe and Africa/Asia. 

                As concerns the premises of recruitment process, the following features are identified: the spread of Islamic cult; "abusive proselytizing"; the concentration of Arab community on promoting their values, particularly the attempts to impose these values.

                The social and economic vulnerability of the society, as well as the political instability along with the inability of the state to ensure a good living standard of the population, the errors done during the incipient phase of the democratic reforms had weakened the institutions whose main role is to defend the human rights of the population. At the same time the control adulteration over the internal political evolutions, have caused the constant decline of the citizens’ trust in the state. As a result, all these reasons created precedents for the recruitment process of the Moldovan citizens.



recruitment, democratic transformation, conversion, diplomatic relations, legislative framework, constitution, premises of recruitment process, status of religious freedom, terrorism.

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