Changes in the Eastern Policy of Popes in XIII Century and Georgia

Bejan Javakhia


Transformation in the Eastern policy of Popes since the fourth Crusade (seizure of Constantinople in 1204, Mongol invasion) caused the emergence of new medieval legends and contributed to the search for a new political tactics. The policy of the Popes Innocent IV and Gregory X and their attitude towards the East played a crucial role in this regard.
The analysis of travel notes and letters of papal legates, as well as those of missionary monks, could help to reconsider both - the politics of Catholic Church in the Far East and the results of these changes in Georgia. These sources highlight the growing interest of the Catholic World toward Georgia. The number of letters und appeals to Eastern Churches and vice versa increased, contacts became more active and intense. The Georgian Church had its special place among other Eastern Churches. However, Georgian political rulers maintained their traditional faith and the Georgian Church remained independent.

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