Territorial Integration into European Union (Integration in EU based on the conflict examples and perspectives for Georgia)
The enlargement of the European Union remains a prominent topic of discussion in international relations. For Georgia, as one of the Eastern Partnership countries, European integration and eventual membership in the Union constitute a fundamental foreign policy objective. This aspiration has been enshrined at the constitutional level. However, it must be noted that unresolved territorial disputes, particularly in the context of Georgia's frozen conflicts, may present significant challenges and contradictions in the integration process.
The purpose of this article is to examine the European Union's approach to territorial issues and to analyze the challenges faced by states with occupied territories in their quest for integration. To achieve this objective, the article reviews the legislative framework of the European Union, highlighting key provisions that emphasize territorial integrity, the inviolability of borders, and the broader agenda concerning territorial disputes (Territorial Agenda). Additionally, the discussion considers historical precedents, as conflicts have also occurred within the territories of current EU member states, such as Cyprus, Montenegro, Serbia-Kosovo. Notably, while the issue of Northern Cyprus remains unresolved and in a frozen state, the Republic of Cyprus has been a member of the EU since 2004, providing a precedent for states with unresolved territorial disputes.
The article integrates theoretical perspectives, legislative analysis, and case studies from international relations and history. This multidisciplinary approach facilitates a comprehensive understanding of the prospects for territorial integration within the EU and enables the identification of potential pathways for addressing such challenges in the future.
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