Media Monitoring, Evaluation and Results of the Election Process of Local Self-government Elections in 2017

Irine Tsintsadze


The role of Media in the process of an election campaign is very important. Edition independence, transparency and professionalism are the basis of coverage the elections. The lack of journalistic independence or reconcilability can negatively affect the election results.

The analysis of media monitoring in 2017 shows that the subjective trends are still sustained in Georgian Media Space, which is due to the interest of political or financial forces, which stand behind the concrete Media outlets. As far as Georgian media space is reflected by the grip of political forces. This feature can be considered as a mechanism of a certain balance in the process of election coverage, which unfortunately shows that the process is quite insignificant in this regard and there is still a lot of to be done `in order Georgian media space to be closer to European type Media broadcasts for coverage of election processes.


Georgia;elections; mass media; media monitoring;

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იასა ლანგი, მედია და არჩევნები, თბ. 2003

ჟან მარი კოუტი, არჩევნების გაშუქების სახელმძღვანელო, MDF-ის მედიის საარჩევნო გზამკვლევი;

დამხმარე სახელმძღვანელო მედიის წარმომადგენლებისათვის. საარჩევნო სისტემების, რეფორმებისა და სწავლების ცენტრი, 2017


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