The Challenges of Conducting Scientific Researches in Georgia

Ada Nardia



Scientific research creates new theories, deepens existing knowledge, and raises public awareness. At the same time, it emphasizes the need for research infrastructure and attracts a young workforce. Scientific research plays a vital role in improving the environment. Research results contribute to acquiring and sharing new knowledge at the individual, public, and international levels, facilitates informed decision-making, increases efficiency, and develops various fields of science.

According to the international practice, the financial support mechanisms by state, private, and non-profit organizations address the development of scientific research.

Training and retraining new scientific personnel and creating, provisioning, and developing conditions for scientific research are among the main goals of higher education in Georgia. The article tries to determine the challenges of scientific research in Georgia. The article attempted to answer the research question on the challenges of scientific research in Georgia by analysing the existing legal framework, secondary sources, and interviews with field experts. The answer is as follows: the non-systematic approach hinders the development of scientific research in Georgia.

In the general context, along with the legislative framework analysis, the study reviewed the policy and analytical documents prepared by Georgian and foreign experts. In June 2024, interviews with respondents were planned and carried out.  

Observations revealed within the research framework showed that financing and related challenges are high in Georgia. The base and source for funding is scarce. In addition, the system of science, technology, and innovation lacks stability and continuity.

Moreover, the country's industrial development level, especially in the technological part, lacks interest in inventions. In general, respondents as separate challenges for research architecture similarly named the level of industrial development, corporate culture, social responsibility and an absence of the industrial strategy.

Since research institutes and higher education institutions are not fully interconnected, organizing research is challenging. Research institutes, laboratories, and sectoral research units would need more cooperation. Thus, collaboration in terms of sharing and networking of academic competencies needs to be improved.

Developing a scientific strategy as a direction of economic development and defining priorities is the primary means to counter the non-systematic approach towards conducting and organizing research.

There is a direct connection between the quality of teaching and scientific research activity. Based on the common challenges, which are reflected both at the legislative level and in the strategic vision documents, as well as in the works developed by foreign experts, cooperation within the university and between universities within the country, and overall emphasis and sharing of existing experience outside the country, can be identified as a response to the challenges.

Steps towards internationalization, strengthening the resources of doctoral students, and raising knowledge about scientific research opportunities, especially by encouraging interdisciplinary approaches, are no less important. At the same time, lecturers should be able to separate teaching and research activities and optimize the process by involving young colleagues in seminars.



Georgia, Scientific Reseasrches, Higher Education Institutions.

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