Mass Demonstrations and State Violence in Georgia: Analysis of November 7, 2007, May 26, 2012 and June 20, 2019.

Ketevan Kupatadze


The article examines mass demonstrations and state violence in Georgia, in particular the analysis of the events of November 7, 2007; May 26, 2011; June 20, 2019. The topic of mass demonstrations is very relevant not only inGeorgia, but also in the world, therefore academic literature has been interested in this issue for a long time. The study draws attention to the types of mass demosntrations and the nature of violence displayed by the state. Accordingly, within the framework of the research, the three largest mass demonstrations in the recent history ofGeorgiawere taken. Based on the existing reports or documents and conducted interwiews, the purpose of the research is to understand what were the forms of public protest during the mass demosntrations of November 7, 2007; May 26, 2012; June 20, 2019 and what were the charasteristics of the state’s violence in the process of breaking up the actions.



Mass Demontrations, State Violence, Types of Protest.

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