Drafts of the Act of Independence of May 26, 1918

Otar Janelidze


The founding of a new state or the restoration of freedom lost by the old one, the founders of this state announce to their population and the international community by making and adopting an extraordinary political statement as for an event of special importance. In most cases, such a document is called the Declaration of Independence. It, like the constitution, is the most important legal and historical document of the country. In addition to its declaratory nature, the Act of Independence also has a purely normative nature. nature.  Usually, it describes the prerequisites for the origin of a particular state, explains what led to the separation of a new state, defines the form of political organization of a given country, outlines the basic rights and responsibilities of citizens, emphasizes the value orientations of the ruling political elite or society, etc. The day of adoption of the declaration is considered the day of independence of this state.


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