The Importance of Religion for Ethnic Minorities and Connection with Acculturation

Anna Gvetadze, Ekaterine Pirtskhalava


This comprehensive research examines the influence of religion on the acculturation process of ethnic minorities, with particular focus on the Armenian and Azeri communities in Georgia. The study delves into the acculturation strategies utilized by these communities and probes the correlation between their religious beliefs and acculturation. Additionally, the research expands on the broader concept of acculturation, its theoretical underpinnings, and its psychological aspects. It presents an in-depth analysis of Georgia's multicultural fabric, the role of integration in fostering intergroup relations, and the importance of cultural learning and assimilation of host society values. A significant segment of the research is devoted to the exploration of the relationship between religion and acculturation, underlining the importance of understanding religion's role in shaping attitudes and behaviors towards other ethnic groups. The paper concludes with the need for further research to unravel the complex interplay between religion, cultural identity, and acculturation strategies within the Georgian context.



Acculturation, Ethnic Minorities, Georgia, Religion, Armenians, Azeris

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