Conflict in Abkhazia: Past and Present

Nino Bigvava


One of the most important problems for Georgia today is occupation and restoration of territorial integrity. After the collapse of the Soviet Socialist Union, the national liberation struggle was accompanied by the incitement of separatism by the Russian forces in the regions of Abkhazia and Samachablo. Consequently, this led to an armed confrontation that turned into a frozen conflict. During the last 30 years, it is becoming quite difficult to find common points of intersection, since in the occupied territories different consciousness and perception of past and present events are strongly formed. In the territory of Abkhazia, the image of the enemy and the hostile attitude towards Georgia and Georgians are actively formed among the young generation, which is sharply different from the Georgian consciousness and qualifies the Abkhazian as his brother and friend. Considering this factor, the study of cultural and historical memory in the context of Abkhazia is particularly interesting.


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